Autism Network Singapore (ANS), formed in 2015, is an alliance of Social Service Agencies (SSAs) who are key service providers for persons on the spectrum in Singapore. Currently, ANS consists of the following partners: Autism Association (Singapore), Autism Resource Centre (Singapore), AWWA Ltd, Rainbow Centre and St. Andrew’s Autism Centre.
The partners collaborate to advocate for autism and aspire to be a unified and significant voice to help raise the standard of support and services for the autism community in Singapore.

Autism Association (Singapore)
Autism Association (Singapore) or AA(S) is one of the Social Service Organisations in Singapore, dedicated to supporting individuals on the autism spectrum and helping them lead meaningful and quality lives. The Association is an independent charity that was formed in August 1992 by a group of parents. In January 1995, it was registered as a charitable organisation under the Charities Act, Singapore.
The mission of the Association is to initiate, organise and support provision of a broad spectrum of services like Eden Children’s Centre, Eden School, Eden Centre for Adults and Eden Activity Club for people with autism in Singapore to encompass education, vocational and life skills training and residential care.

Autism Resource Centre (Singapore)
Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) or ARC(S) is a not-for-profit charity based in Singapore and was officially set up in 2000. It was started by professional and parent volunteers dedicated to serving children and adults on the Autism Spectrum to help these individuals lead meaningful and independent lives in society.
ARC(S) offers a wide range of services: Early Intervention, Pathlight School, Autism Intervention, Training and Consultancy (AITC), Student Enrichment, Employability & Employment Centre, Library and Information Services.

AWWA is a social service agency, which serves persons of different demographics across life-stages yearly. AWWA is Singapore-based, with an Institution of a Public Character (IPC) status.
It all started in 1970 with a group of women volunteers who had been donating and distributing food rations in Little India to help out the needy families and decided to set up an association and registered themselves.
Today AWWA enhances the lives of over 6,000 clients each year, ranging from infancy to old age.

Rainbow Centre
Rainbow Centre Singapore (Rainbow Centre) serves infants, children and youths with a diverse range of developmental and learning needs, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and multiple disabilities, which may involve a combination of intellectual, physical, visual and/or hearing impairments.
Founded in 1992, Rainbow Centre currently runs two Special Education (SPED) schools for students aged 7-18 years old and two Early Intervention Programme (EIP) centres for children 2 months to 6 years old, at two campuses -- Margaret Drive and Yishun Park.

St. Andrew’s Autism Centre
St. Andrew’s Autism Centre is a non-profit organisation for the education, training and care of persons on the autism spectrum, and their families.
It a service of St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital (SAMH), and its range of services support children and youths with autism during their school-going years, and into their adulthood.