In writing the Autism Enabling Masterplan, the task force is mindful of the need to include the voice and aspirations of the persons on the autism spectrum. We have tried our best to also listen to the families, some of whom are proxies for their children who may not be able to fully express themselves. Although it was not possible to include all the inputs gathered into this Masterplan, we believe that what has been featured within this publication – having heard from the individuals themselves, their caregivers and autism professionals – reflects the key needs of the community.
We also recognise that the autism landscape in Singapore is constantly changing, with new policies being enacted and new initiatives emerging all the time. The conversations and consultations that we have had in producing this document may have themselves been catalysts for positive change even before the publication of this work. We apologise in advance if the latest policies and initiatives were not captured in this publication before it went to print.
Note on Language
We are mindful of the need to be respectful about the language we use when addressing issues regarding autism.
In this microsite, we have used the term “person on the autism spectrum” or “person on the spectrum” (with these terms used interchangeably) to refer to individuals who have been diagnosed with autism. At the same time, we would like to acknowledge that people from different cultures (families and individuals included) continue to hold different views about the terms used to refer to persons on the autism spectrum.